Billions Can’t Be Wrong: Why YOU Should Be Using Facebook and Instagram Ads

Billions Can’t Be Wrong: Why YOU Should Be Using Facebook and Instagram Ads

More than 30% of the world’s population is on Facebook and Instagram. (That’s more than two and a half billion people.) 

Users also spend an average of 11.7 hours per month alone on Instagram. Multiply that by 12, and you roughly get a yearly amount of 140.5 hours.

To put that into perspective, the yearly time users spend on Instagram is equivalent to watching the first Avatar movie 52 times in one year. I like James Cameron, but there is no way I am watching that movie once a week for a whole year!  

This is an opportunity business owners shouldn’t ignore. Facebook and Instagram allow you to communicate directly with customers throughout the sales process. You can also develop relationships with people who have already bought from you. 

You can do this right now by building campaigns around four basic strategies. 

Step 1: Get Your Brand in The Limelight

It’s hard to generate sales when people don’t know who you are. You need to generate brand awareness among people who are near-market (or soon to buy).

Video ads on Facebook or Instagram are the perfect way to drive traffic to your website. Videos take up 30% of the time people on Instagram currently — and this number is growing fast. Recent reports from Meta reported it being up 50%.  

These ads not only help build up your brand, but also generate audience data for future retargeting with pixels.

Step 2: Gain Consideration

Now that people know your business, maximize your campaigns by giving your reach and frequency a boost. 

Carousel ads work well for this stage because you can showcase multiple products or services — from cars to dental services to event tickets or whatever you might be selling.  Collection ads also do a great job showing off your company’s products, especially if you include your inventory in these ads. You can even include videos in the format, too!

You can also run remarketing ads to people who saw your original ads and then promote to them the benefits of doing business with you.

Step 3: Keep the Momentum Going

As a business, you want to generate real leads. Facebook and Instagram have an ad format for that — called a lead ad. 

With these ads, users fill out a form directly on Facebook — no matter what device they’re using — and you can follow up via email or phone. These ads have proven very effective for businesses, especially when you target the right audience.

You can also start using dynamic retargeting campaigns, which show a user exactly the product they recently viewed on your site. This ad format also allows you to provide relevant offers to people who are now in-market (a.k.a. ready to buy) and bring them to your store or website for the sale.

Step 4: Study with 9 Clouds

The only thing you can’t do is ignore these social media platforms. It’s where users are now — and your business needs to be where they are, now and in the future, to succeed.

It’s easy for us to call these “simple” strategies because we spend all day thinking about Facebook and Instagram advertising.

But if you don’t have that kind of time, turn to our team of digital marketing experts. We have our new Marketing 101 package ready to go — or we can create a custom proposal for your business. 

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