My First (Virtual) Week at 9 Clouds

My First (Virtual) Week at 9 Clouds

When anything noteworthy happens in my life, my mom likes to send me flowers. That includes when I start a new job. 

She originally ordered them the week before I started and scheduled them to be sent to the 9 Clouds office. Then she called back and said to deliver them to my house instead (since we’re all working remotely). 

The person on the phone at the flower shop said, “She’s starting a new job remotely? How does that work?

I had that question myself, but turns out, it can work really well.

Creating a Learning Environment

Two things about me you should know right off the bat. 

  1. Learning is one of my top strengths, according to the CliftonStrengths assessment I took a couple years ago. I love gaining new knowledge and learning new things.
  2. I love checklists and get a lot of joy out of completing tasks and crossing them off. 

That’s why I appreciate 9 Clouds. The team has made it very clear to me: these first few weeks are about learning. Learn the processes and technology, research the industries, and ask questions, so when I start doing the work, I am prepared and ready to go. 

Onboarding at 9 Clouds is also very intentional. There was a process laid out starting day one, with tasks I needed to complete so I could learn their remote tools, the team resources, and the clients. The thought that’s been put into this process is very apparent and is especially helpful for onboarding remotely. 

I don’t have someone I can sit beside to watch over their shoulder. There’s only so much time in the day you can spend on Zoom meetings. And while Slack is helpful for quick answers to questions, I appreciate having that checklist so I know what to expect my first few weeks at my new job.

Choosing to Switch Jobs in a Pandemic

Some people hesitate at switching jobs in a pandemic. I disagree. If the right job comes along, I say go for it. Just make sure you ask all the right questions up front. 

I think that’s the most important tip I would give if someone asked me how to switch jobs: Do your research. Ask those questions. Make sure you know what you can about the company and how the leadership handles the bad times as well as the good.

During my interviews for the creative content strategist position, I definitely had questions about how 9 Clouds had taken care of its employees, the changes that had been implemented and what the plan was going forward.

9 Clouds was prepared with all the answers to my questions, and it was encouraging to know that I wasn’t their first hire in 2020. (That honor goes to Jenna.)

Finding a Team of Friends

Usually, starting a new job means meeting a whole new team of people and getting to know them – and when it’s during a pandemic, that’s all done over Zoom or another online platform. 

I’m lucky. I already knew three of the people on the team personally. I’d also had conversations during my interviews around company culture, which is a big deal at 9 Clouds. 

But in just a few days, I know I’m on a marketing team that’s more like a quirky family, full of fellow fans of Gilmore Girls and The Office who love talking about their pets and kids.

They’re also a team willing to work hard, encourage ideas and give grace – like when I had to have my 5-year-old daughter at home the same week I started at 9 Clouds. (Thank you again, team, for letting her crash a couple virtual meetings and not batting an eye.) 

So don’t be afraid if you’re switching jobs in the middle of world-wide change. As this Business Insider article says, times of transition give us an opportunity to look at what we’re doing and ask ourselves if it’s what we want.

If you get an opportunity that fits and feels right, go for it. I’m happy I did.

meet the 9 clouds team