Questions to Ask Your Agency About TikTok Ads

Questions to Ask Your Agency About TikTok Ads

Are you dipping your toes into the world of TikTok? 

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but the right agency can show you the ropes in the world of video advertising. But how can you be sure that an agency has the knowledge that you’re looking for when it comes to advertising on TikTok?

You’re in luck! We’re sharing five questions that you should ask your digital marketing agency about TikTok ads.

Question 1: How Do I Know My Business is Ready for TikTok Ads?

The right agency shouldn’t be selling you any services you don’t need, so it’s important to ask if it’s something they think you need or if it’s something they’d recommend.

When it comes to advertising on TikTok, we like to call it the sprinkles on top of the ice cream. You need to have your ice cream built (cone + ice cream) before you add the toppings (like sprinkles).

Why is the agency recommending TikTok ads? Would they recommend you fill out your funnel with ads on other platforms first?

In general, we recommend that you have a solid advertising base with Meta advertising and search engine marketing (SEM), before adding other platforms like TikTok.

Question 2: Will You Manage and Optimize the Ads Throughout the Campaign?

If you’re paying an agency to run TikTok ads for your business, here’s hoping they’re paying attention to them while they run. 

While there may not be many changes to make to your campaign week to week, a good agency should be routinely checking on the campaign performance to make sure nothing is going wrong.

At 9 Clouds, we check on client campaigns at least twice a month, if not weekly, to:

  1. Ensure that we aren’t spending beyond our clients’ approved ad spend.
  2. Look for opportunities to improve ad performance.
  3. Reply to comments that users might leave on your ads as they run.

Question 3: What Should I Expect to Spend On TikTok Ads?

The price tag for any marketing service can vary depending on the agency you’re working with, but you should know the basics. 

TikTok requires a minimum ad budget of $500 for the lifetime of the campaign. However, the lifetime (or duration length) of your TikTok campaign depends on your marketing goals. It could run for 3 days or 3 months!

It’s also worth mentioning that some agencies might charge commission on your ad spend. Personally, we don’t charge any sort of commission, but it’s important to know all the details.

Question 4: What Kind of Results Can I Expect?

Having a set of benchmarks to base your campaign performance off of is a great way to understand the kind of results you could expect with your own advertising.

A good agency should have some kind of internal benchmarks that they use, but here are some external benchmarks to give you an idea of what to expect.

  • Click-through Rate (CTR): 0.84%
  • Cost-per-Click (CPC): $1
  • Cost-per-Thousand Impressions (CPM): $10

You can also check your Google Analytics to see how your TikTok ads are performing. When you set up an exploration on your GA4, you can have it track information like:

  • How many users come to your site from TikTok
  • How much time those users are spending on your site
  • How many conversions (and which ones) your users are completing

If you’re not on Google Analytics, you should be. But if you don’t have the time, don’t stress! We can set it up for you!

Question 5: How Will You Share My Campaign Results with Me?

If you’re not managing your TikTok ads yourself, how are you going to know how it’s going? Cue the report! 

At 9 Clouds, we provide our clients with a monthly results report so they can see how things are going every month and how results change month over month. 

What does the report tell you?

Reports should include results like click-through rate, cost-per-click, total impressions, total conversions, and session duration length so you can have a better understanding of how exactly your audience is engaging with your ads.

Are You Ready to Put Your Business on TikTok?

If you’re shopping for a new digital advertising ally and we’re checking all of your boxes, let’s set up a call! 
We offer a free (no obligation!) digital marketing assessment for your business to see what’s working for you and what’s not worth your time or money.

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