Smarter, Not Harder – My First Week at 9 Clouds
At my first internship, my boss forwarded me an invite to a social media webinar. It was really only to humor her that I registered because I probably already knew everything about using social media, right? Then Scott Meyer showed up on my screen, and it was quickly clear I had a lot to learn.
That webinar was my introduction to 9 Clouds.
Fast Forwarding
A few years down the road, I’m wrapping up my first week as part of the 9 Clouds team. It’s a bit surreal being here after spending a decent amount of time browsing their stuff. As both a public relations intern and a freelance writer, I turned to 9 Clouds with all sorts of questions.
It’s also surreal how cool it’s going to be to work here. I think I’m in millennial heaven.
Half my new coworkers have ditched their desk chairs to stand before their screens like a flock of tech-savvy flamingos. The team shifts between working here and working remotely more easily than some people change their cover photo, and they haven’t gotten slowed down by any silly workplace policies. I think 80% of the rules are about the coffee maker.
Most importantly, any day can turn into Bring Your Pet (read: Dog) to Work Day.
Working Smart
But “millennial heaven” might be deceptive, if you picture an office where all we do is browse Facebook or share funny gifs. This is still a place of work — one where people are happy to open up their laptops and tackle the day’s tasks, even while joking around a bit on Slack, listening to music, and, yeah, sharing funny gifs with each other.
“Work smarter, not harder.”
That’s the best piece of advice I ever got in college. Sure, it was a cliche, but some cliches have stuck around for a reason. At 9 Clouds, that mantra isn’t plastered on the walls, but it seems to be written into everything we do.
The team at 9 Clouds does work hard, but they’re also incredibly smart about it, streamlining each process to get things done as effectively and efficiently as possible. The entire concept of inbound marketing is to get the most quality out of your efforts and to get in touch with the people who are actually interested in your project.
Looking to Learn
The other great thing about working for a smart company? They’re obsessed with learning. I mean, 9 Clouds was founded to teach businesses how to get the most out of technology.
Which is perfect, because just like when I logged onto my first webinar, they’ve made it clear to me I have plenty left to learn.
And if you’re looking to learn, 9 Clouds is the place to go.