Beyond the Like: Measuring Business Metrics on Facebook

Beyond the Like: Measuring Business Metrics on Facebook

Have you heard of this crazy thing called Facebook?

Okay, surely you’re well aware of the social networking giant — but is your business using it for marketing?

At the end of 2016, only 10% of auto dealers were using Facebook marketing. Talk about missed opportunities! 

Facebook requires a shift in your marketing strategy, but it’s where you should be marketing your business in 2017.  And we’re here to teach you how.

If you’re still not sure about using Facebook, keep reading to learn about the benefits it’ll bring to your business.

Focus on Your Business Metrics

Likes and comments are great. We all get a little spark of joy when our dogs’ or kids’ pictures get a reaction from our friends.

But business results are even better.

It’s important to think beyond a “like” for your Facebook campaigns. Instead, start considering what your true business objective is.

To do so, shift your mindset from social metrics to business metrics.

Social Metrics to Business Metrics | 9 Clouds

Plan with Your Target Audience in Mind

Because the 1.9 billion consumers on Facebook are real people, you can use precise, accurate targeting to reach those fellow humans.

But you won’t reach the right people if you don’t approach them with a thoughtful plan. 

These are the main segments we consider when targeting on Facebook:

  • Demographic information
  • Interest/intents
  • Lifestyle/life stage
  • Psychographic information
  • Geographic information
  • Your customer list
  • Your site visitors
  • Third-party data (auto shoppers)

How can you use all that information in your marketing strategy?

Think about Creative for a Mobile World

The majority of 9 Clouds’ Facebook impressions are delivered on mobile screens. If you start advertising on Facebook, yours likely will be, too.

The goal is to develop creative that will stop people as they scroll through their news feeds on their smartphones.

What catches your attention? Use that insight when creating your Facebook ads.

Learn with Us

Don’t be one of the 90% of auto dealers missing out on Facebook advertising. Take advantage of this powerful platform to market your business.