Reach (and retarget) your leads based on their specific location.

You know where your audience is. How would you like to show ads when they’re in a specific physical location?

You can — with geofencing advertising.

What is GeoFencing? 

A geofence is basically a virtual fence you can place around any physical place. Your mobile ads will show to people in that location — and you can retarget them later, too.

Geofencing advertising service

Target Your Competitors

Put a virtual fence around your competitor’s place to nab leads from other dealerships, clinics or restaurants.

Encourage them to pick your business instead!

Geographic targeting for digital ads

Show Up For Current Shoppers

Since 63% of customers use their phones while at your business, why not slide some special offers, finance deals or sweet discounts right in front of them?

It’s the nudge they might need to wrap up a purchase — or even convince them to go for an upgrade and spend a little more!

Reaching potential customers at other businesses

Get Creative With Targeting

Ever considered where else your customers might be spending time — like at the grocery store or local events? It’s time to get creative!

Use geofencing in different spots, think outside the box, and watch those potential leads roll in.

geofencing ad image

Retarget and Prove ROI

Want your ads to stick in people’s minds? Retarget them. This helps you create more returning customers and close more deals. 

Want to make sure these ads work? With geofencing campaigns, you can track if those who spotted your ad ended up stepping into your store.

Could Your Business Benefit from Geofencing Ads?

Take the first step today with a free custom assessment.

Join forces with us to look at your current digital strategy and find the right lead generation opportunities that align with your business goals.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Q: What is an example of a geofencing ad?

A: Large coffee chains often use geofencing ads. When people get near one of their locations, their phones light up with a cool deal or offer from that coffee shop. It’s one way to get people who weren’t already thinking about stopping in to do just that. 

Q: Where do geofencing ads appear?

A: Geofencing ads show up on smartphones in the form of a display ad, search ad, in-app ad or push notification. 

Q: What kind of businesses use geofencing?

A: Plenty of businesses benefit from geofencing. Beyond stores with physical retail locations, even services on wheels, chain restaurants, small brick-and-mortar stores, and businesses with products you’d probably hunt for on Amazon can totally benefit from it.